Donations are welcomed! Please refer your donation to ASOCIATIA ROTARY INTL MANGALIA - mentioning: donation for Tudor-Daniel FILIP into the accounts:
USD : RO23BTRL01402205702228XX or
EUR : RO86BTRL01404205702228XX

You know the saying: help comes when you least expect it? well, last weekend we had the privilege to learn we have many friends and to acknowledge the fact that Bibi has won the heart of the town that adopted me, Mnagalia. Rotary Club Mangalia and Agon Theatre from ConstantaTeatrul Agon Constanta have organizes a benefit show and the funds entered the club accounts to be used by Bibi when he will most need them:for the bill for the bone marrow transplant.
Many thanks to all the exceptional actors, to all the members that were involved in the promotion of the benefit show, to the media, the local companies that contributed and not in the least The Town Hall and the Local Council.
Also, I would like to acknowledge everybody who came to see the show and enjoyed it to its last line. It was a surprise to see so many young people in the audience.
We can only be optimistic that will gather all the funds needed in time for Bibi to have the BMT and become a healthy young man who will be able to appreciate and give thanks to everybody!
Thank you, dear friends!

As I told you before, we have had the highest hopes in the doctors from Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. We have just returned after ten days of investigations and meetings with a team of real professionals and extraordinary people.
Bibi was taken a new bone marrow sample and while he was under anesthesia they took all the blood necessary for the rest of hematological and genetic tests. It was a great relief for me, as a mother, not to see him in tears and trying to escape the needles.
Their recommendation was, unfortunately, the one we were afraid of: bone marrow transplant. And because Bibi is still very little, we will try another medicated alternative and pray to God that it works and as Bibi`s grandma says:"" the hemoglobin factory will start running”.
At the hospital, in Jerusalem, we were surprised to find a Romanian nun, fluent in several languages - Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Greek, and Romanian - who would help anyone who needed a comforting word or a translator with the doctors. She insisted that Bibi receives the blessing from the priests at the Holy Sepulcher and the Romanian Church and for that, we thank God we met her. I did not think there were still people with warm souls, who in kindness and humility live only for the good of others.
I know she is not familiar with the technology and will not see this post but "Thank you Sister Mary!"